Join us for the long-awaited official launch of the Packingtown Museum! The program will include brief remarks from Dominic Pacyga, museum curator and professor emeritus of history at Columbia College, and John Edel, the founder of The Plant and the Packingtown Museum. Please RSVP here.
This Saturday only, join us for a tour of The Plant, offered at 2pm and 5pm; meet in lobby. Take a behind-the-scenes tour from the perspective of the founder and the design team behind The Plant. Come learn about Bubbly Dynamics’ creative approaches to reimagine what is conventionally considered "waste" as a valuable asset and see how tenant businesses collaborate and create amazing food products while striving to increase efficiencies of all types. Tour size is limited so please consider purchasing tickets in advance.
A free tour of Whiner Beer’s brewery, led by the brewers themselves, will take place immediately after the 2pm building tour; meet in the lobby at 3pm if you’re only angling for the brewery tour.
We’ll also have the Turtle Stop open during the event, with a variety of products made and grown at The Plant and at Bubbly, everyday grocery and cleaning essentials, gifts, and more. New Magnolia’s pumpkin patch and fall fest will be open Fri./Sat./Sun. through Halloween.
Whiner’s taproom is on as usual for eats, drinks and good times. Pizza kitchen will be slinging pies until 10pm.